Our environmental performance

We consider continuous improvement in our performance as essential, as we aim to minimize the impacts and to maximize the benefits arising from our activities.
Indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023 Refining1
Direct energy consumption per primary source (TJ) 38,863 34,249 30,480 25,382 98%
Direct energy consumption per primary source per treated feedstock (TJ/mmboe) – Refineries
436 441 - - -
Total non-renewable energy consumption (MWh) 10795278 9513611 - - -
Total renewable energy consumption (MWh) 904278 1288000 - - -
Purchase of electric energy (TJ) 1,558 1,389 1,271 1,506 81%
Total water withdrawal (10³ m³) 9,881 9,435 9,343 9,125 74%
Total raw water consumption per treated feedstock (m³/t) – Refineries 0.70 0,71 - - -
Total freshwater withdrawal (10³ m³) 9,743 9,321 9,219 9,032 74%
Water intensity (m³/boe) 0.1017 0.0964 - - -
Wastewater (10³ m³) 5,913 5,822 6,125 6,109 60%
Waste produced (t) 27,894 20,355 22,167 29,240 48%
Waste recycled/reused (t) 15,710 12,251 13,724 15,416 -
Waste disposed (t) 12,184 8,104 8,443 13,824 -%
   - Waste landfilled 69 5,680 - - -
   - Waste incinerated with energy recovery 0 0 - - -
   - Waste incinerated without energy recovery 0 0 - - -
   - Waste otherwise disposed 2 12,115 2,424 - - -
Hazardous waste recycled/reused (t) 9,863 9,016 9,618 11,601 -%
Hazardous waste disposed (t) 10,757 7,252 8,054 13,175 -%
   - Hazardous waste landfilled 0 5,680 - - -
   - Hazardous waste incinerated with energy recovery 0 0 - - -
   - Hazardous waste incinerated without energy recovery 0 0 - - -
   - Hazardous waste otherwise disposed 2 10,757 1,572 - - -
Number of primary containment losses discharged into the environment2 7 11 7 5 0%
Volume of primary containment losses discharged into the environment (m³)3 302 44 64 5 0%
GHG emissions under EU-ETS (t CO₂e) 3,067,805 2,674,058 2,664,396 2,359,568 100%
NOx emissions (t) (scope 1) 1,384 1,349 1,539 918 78%
SO₂ emissions (t) (scope 1) 1,113 922 1,454 1,394 100%
Particulate matter emissions (t) (scope 1) 182 183 70 13 54%
Carbon footprint - direct emissions (t CO₂e) (scope 1) 3,591,892 3,198,740 3,442,507 2,991,742 79%
Carbon footprint - indirect emissions (t CO₂e) (scope 2) location-based 80,286 59,811 - - -
Carbon footprint - indirect emissions (t CO₂e) (scope 2) market-based 42,026 9,149 9,138 9,848 0%
Gas Flaring - Upstream (Mm³) 40.2 34.5 116.6 74 0%
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions - Refineries (t) 1,214 8514 9744 - -

(1) Refining is the segment of activity with greater materiality in the environmental performance of our Company

(2) All waste disposed except categores D1, D2, D4, D5, D10 (Directive 2008/98/EC)
(3) Includes primary containment losses > 150l, excluding gaseous products

(4) The scope of VOC Emissions reported is Galp Energia Sines Refinery

Data in the table were submitted to independent external verification carried out by PwC.

TJ - terajoule; m3- cubic meters ; t - tonnes; t CO2 e- tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent; CO2 - carbon dioxide; N.A. . Not available

