Forbes names Galp as one of the best companies in the world to work for
Galp was selected by the prestigious Forbes magazine as one of the best companies in the world to work for, in a survey conducted by Statista, in parallel with the Forbes Global 2000 ranking of the world's largest companies.
Company selection involved the collection of more than 360 thousand recommendations of companies as employers through macro statistical collection methods and regionally-based surveys.
Click here to consult the complete list of the best companies.
Galp recognised for environmental leadership on climate and water

Once again, Galp has been identified as a global leader in corporate sustainability and has been awarded a position on this year’s “A” List for climate and water by CDP.
This is the sixth consecutive year that we have been identified by CDP as a disclosure leading company, the third consecutive year as a climate leader and, in the first time in this category, we are identified as a leading company in water stewardship.
Galp is one of only 25 companies to score an “A” for both climate and water. This achievement is in recognition of our actions in the last year to manage environmental risks, cut carbon emissions and enhance water stewardship.
Galp was once again elected to be part of the group of the most sustainable companies in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI)
At DJSI Europe, in a universe of 10 Oil & Gas Upstream & Integrated companies, Galp was one of the two companies selected. In the DJSI World index, Galp remained in the restricted group of 9 companies, in a total of 79. The Company is in the 93 percentile of the ranking of its sector.
In the environmental dimension, Galp leads for the first time the world ranking, a result based on high performance in the categories of "Climate Strategy" and "Eco-Operational Efficiency".
Galp continues for the sixth consecutive year to be part of the group of companies recognized for their sustainable practices, both in Europe and in the World.
The DJSI was established in 1999, and was the first indicator of the financial performance of the world’s leading companies in terms of sustainability. The members of this index are classified as the companies which are more capable to create value for their shareholders in the long term, through an effective management of the risks associated to the economic, environmental and social dimensions.
Galp at the top of the supersector on the FTSE4Good Index Series
Galp is, once again, ranked at the FTSE4Good Index Series, and achieved a result that took it to the top of the best companies in its sector in terms of environmental, social and government practices. The Company ranked in the top percentile (100) of its sector in the overall ranking. The FTSE4Good Index Series evaluates and rates corporate performance with the most demanding environmental, social and governance practices, and is also a reference to an increasing number of institutional investors who only invest in companies that meet those criteria.
Created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE4Good indices are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.
Galp wins first prize for Best Company, Best CEO, Best CFO and Best IR Professional
The Extel 2017 Survey, a European study on equity market, once again recognized Galp and its management team with the first prize in Portugal in the categories of Best Company, Best CEO, Best CFO and Best Professional of IR, with the company Occupied the top three positions in the latter category. In this way, Galp positions itself again among the companies that follow the best practices of Investor Relations (IR), both nationally and internationally.
In the European Oil & Gas sector, the Company and its management team ascended to the Top 3 in the same categories (Best Company, Best CEO, Best CFO and Best IR Professional). Among the evaluated criteria are the quality of reporting, the organization of roadshows, the proactivity and the level of service provided.
Extel conducts market research with the investment community, providing a wide range of rankings, market trends and insights. In the 2017 vote, 4,500 institutions and 15,000 professionals participated.
Galp maintained on the Euronext Vigeo Index "Eurozone 120"
Galp will be maintained in the Euronext Vigeo index: Eurozone 120 (the 120 most advanced companies in the Eurozone region) as of June 2017. This index distinguishes companies achieving the most advanced Environmental, Social and Governance performances.
The index components are reviewed every six months and all technical information (constituents and methodology), and a list of the full SRI index range can be found on Euronext and Vigeo Eiris websites.
Galp has won the award in the category of "Publications - Sustainability Report"
Galp has won the Fundacom awards in the category of "Publications - Sustainability Report" with our 2015 Sustainability Report.
These awards are the recognition of excellence and good practices of public relations and organizational communication, published in spanish and Portuguese.
Galp awarded for its safety and environmental performance
Galp was recognized by Baker Hughes for helping to protect its people and the environment for 2,500 consecutive days.
We are committed to building sound and prosperous partnerships based upon transparent relationships that promote continuous improvement and the creation of value.
Safety and Environment are always in the core of our partnerships
Galp recognized in the categories of Best CEO, Best CFO and Best Investor Relation
Galp was once again distinguished by its Investor Relations practices under the 2017 All-Europe Executive Team, conducted annually by the Institutional Investor magazine. The company achieved a position in the first quartile in all categories in the O&G Exploration & Production sector in Europe, including Best CEO, Best IR (Investor Relation) Team and Best IR Program.
The Best IR Program classifies attributes like the acessibility of the management team, speed and clarity of the responses and the quality of financial reporting. Galp reached the fifth place in the european sector and second place overall in Portugal.
On an individual and national level, Galp's management team once again stood out with Carlos Gomes Da Silva, Galp's CEO, being considered the Best CEO in Portugal, and Filipe Crisóstomo Silva distinguished with the second place for Best CFO in Portugal.
Galp reconfirmed at the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) - Excellence Europe
Galp has been reconfirmed as a constituent of the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe since 20/03/2017.
ESI Excellence Europe is comprised of 200 shares of European companies that are included in the Russell Global Index , displaying the best performance in terms of corporate social responsibility.
You can find further information on the used methodologies on the Forum ETHIBEL and Vigeo.
Galp leads Oil companies in the study "Marcas de Confiança 2017"
In the 17th edition of the "Marcas de Confiança" (Trusted Brands) wich measures the degree of consumer confidence in brands, Galp mantains the leading position among the Oil companies.
Galp obtained 60% of the votes and registered an increase of three percentage points when compared to 2016, as well as the maximum value achieved in recent years.
Performed by Reader’s Digest Selections magazine since 2001, "Marcas de Confiança" is a study without apllications or registrations, analysis or prior exclusions. In this study, a brand is considered "Marca de Confiança" in its category, when it is the most voted by portuguese readers and consumer
Galp wins Silver Class Sustainability Award 2017
Ranked as one of the top ranked companies in the energy sector, Galp was included in the 2017 edition of The Sustainability Yearbook of RobecoSAM and received the Silver Class award for its outstanding sustainability performance. This distinction thus reinforces the importance of sustainability at Galp, which is regarded as a fundamental value in the Organisation.
Each year, since 2004, The Sustainability Yearbook lists the most sustainable companies in the world in each sector, as determined by their score in RobecoSAM's annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment.
The Annual Sustainability Report presents the main trends, challenges and opportunities that bridge the gap between corporate sustainability and the investment in sustainability. This year's report also highlights the importance of assessing the impact of investment in sustainability for companies and investors, as well as issues related to the protection of human rights.