Analyst coverage

Galp’s share is followed by an increasing number of analysts.

Analysts’ recommendations and price target


This list includes analysts from banks and investment houses who regularly publish studies on Galp’s share.

Due to its dynamic nature, it is not possible to ensure that this list is permanently complete and up to date. The list is displayed for information purposes only and is not a request of purchase, maintenance or sale of shares.

Financial Institution Analyst Target price Recommendation Date
{{item.FinancialInstitution}} {{item.Analyst}} €{{item.Price | number : 2}} {{item.Recommendation}} {{ item.Date | date:'dd MMM yyyy' }}

The institutions mentioned on this page regularly issue opinions on the Galp share performance in the stock market. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the Galp share performance made by the analysts are of their sole responsibility and do not reflect the opinions of Galp or its administration.

The reference to such information, conclusions or recommendations on this site does not result from any Galp agreement or consent concerning the said opinions. Galp cannot be held accountable for the accuracy of such information, nor does Galp commit to update it, if it is not aware of any changes.

The recommendations of an institution should be taken into consideration in its context, namely in the full text of the analysis on which it is based, in the share price at the time of its publication and considering the range of recommendations used by the institution.


Consensus of the analysts who follow Galp’s share.

The consensus of recommendations, target price and quarterly and medium and long-term results estimates is based on reports of opinions, estimates or forecasts made by analysts from banks and investment houses that cover Galp’s share. For consensus purposes, only recommendations and price targets revised in the past twelve months were considered. 

Recommendations and price target consensus

  Average Maximum Minimum Median
Price target (€)


28.00 17.50 20.90

Sample: 21 observations

Recommendations (%)


Consensus of the quarterly results (3Q24)

    Max Median Mean Min Sample
Galp Ebitda (€ m) 808 767 766 726 20
Ebit (€ m) 622 563 567 518 19
Net income (€ m) 261 218 220 194 21
EPS (€) 0.34 0.28 0.28 0.25 21
Upstream Ebitda (€ m) 560 524 525 501 20
Ebit (€ m) 448 419 417 377 11
Industrial & Energy Management Ebitda (€ m) 165 132 133 94 20
Ebit (€ m) 125 85 88 50 11
Commercial Ebitda (€ m) 113 95 94 77 20
Ebit (€ m) 73 60 59 48 11
Renewables Ebitda (€ m) 31 20 19 9 20
Ebit (€ m) 11 3 1 -16 11

Note: Replacement cost adjusted (RCA) figures

Last update: October 21, 2024

Consensus of medium and long-term results

    2024 2025 2026 2027
Galp Ebitda (€ m) 3,364 3,283 3,483 3,454
Ebit (€ m) 2,499 2,338 2,442 2,366
Net income (€ m) 1,017 919 952 934
EPS (€/share) 1.31 1.22 1.29 1.31
Cash Flow From Operations (€ m) 2,051 2,198 2,287 2,293
FCF pre-dividends (€ m) 1,130 1,117 1,174 906
Macro Dated Brent price ($/bbl) 83.4 79.0 74.8 72.4

Replacement cost adjusted figures
Average values Sample: 20 observations
Last update: July 02, 2024

Last revision  
More than 3 months 3
Between 1 and 3 months 4
Less than 1 month 14
Sample 21

Last update: February 26, 2024

Additional information

