Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has day to day company management powers, as delegated by the Board of Directors.

Currently, the Executive Committee consists of 6 members, appointed by the Board of Directors on 3 May 2023 for the four-year term (2023-2026) which ends on 31 December 2026.

The Board of Directors unanimously decided on 3 May 2023 to appoint Filipe Silva, a member of Galp's Board of Directors and was CFO since 2012 until 3 May 2023, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the four-year term 2023-2026.

Powers and Operation


The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company in line with the strategic guidelines defined by the Board of Directors and the powers delegated also by the Board of Directors, that can be consulted here.

In order to ensure effective and efficient monitoring by the non-executive members of the activity of the Executive Committee and to facilitate the related duty to inform, a range of mechanisms were adopted. The calls and minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee are made available to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and to the Chairman of the Audit Board.

Notwithstanding the collective exercise of the Executive Committee´s powers, a functional allocation, among the members of the Executive Committee, of areas of action in respect of the business and activities of the Company and of its controlled or subsidiary companies, was approved.


Pursuant to the Regulations of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall approve, at the beginning of each term, the rules that define the principles and rules of the organization and its operation, which can be found here.

In accordance with the Regulations of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee must meet once a week and meets validly if the majority of its members are present. The respective decisions are made with the votes of the majority of directors attending.

In 2022, the Executive Committee held 22 meetings and approved 5 resolutions through votes cast by electronic communications with the presence of 100% of its members.

Performance evaluation and remuneration

The performance of the executive directors is evaluated based on fulfillment of certain economic, financial and operational objectives, as defined in the Remuneration Policy submitted by the Remuneration Committee and approved by the General Shareholders Meeting.

Board executive member’s remuneration as set in the Remuneration policy of members of the Company's corporate bodies approved at the Annual General Meeting of 3 May 2023 by a majority of 95.23% of the share capital and voting rights, involves four main components: fixed remuneration, annual variable remuneration, three-yearly variable remuneration and long-term incentive.

The remuneration structure is as follows:

The remuneration of Galp’s directors includes all remunerations due for posts held on corporate bodies in other Group companies.

The total and individual annual amount of remuneration received by the members of the Board of Directors during each financial year, as set by the Remuneration Committee, is provided in the Corporate Governance Report 2022.

