Understand and conserve water resources
At our annual nature risk screening, we use the WRI Aqueduct Water Tool, developed by World Resources Institute, to map and assess water risks in our operated assets. As of 2023, 36% of Galp’s operated sites were in areas with high or extremely high overall water risks. This is largely attributable to their location in Iberia, where physical water quantity risk (particularly water stress) is prevalent. Sines Refinery was identified as a priority hotspot.
Although the Retail business is not typically associated with significant water-related issues, it includes most of Galp’s operated sites located in water stress regions in Iberia. Despite accounting for less than 15% of Galp’s total freshwater withdrawal volume, improving water efficiency is a priority, especially at service stations with car washing services. Starting this year and extending to existing sites already equipped with carwash water recycling systems, new or revamped sites offering this service will integrate water recycling systems in accordance with the allocated budget.
Improve water efficiency – case of the Sines Refinery
The refinery has been recognised as a priority hotspot due to its location in a water-stressed region and its significant potential impact on water resources, which represents 74% of the overall freshwater withdrawal for the entire Group. Galp has been investing in reducing on water resources the pressure of refining activities. Examples are the installation of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) to increase the amount of recycled industrial wastewater and significant investment in maintenance of the firefighting system. Additional initiatives, such as reuse of water in fire and garden water systems, along with the reuse of process water, contribute to the 12% of Galp’s 2023 total recovered/ recycled freshwater. We foresee an increase in its water dependency due to the new projects involving HVO and H2 production units. To proactively address this, we are planning eco-efficiency measures and water-related issues are being incorporated in the appropriate stage gates of these projects.
Please consult our CDP Water Security - Response 2023 for more informations