In accordance with the articles 16 and 17 of the Portuguese Securities Code, and articles 2 and 2A of CMVM regulation 5/2008, Galp Energia hereby discloses the following information:
On May 22 2015, JPMorgan Chase & Co. notified Galp Energia that it decreased, on May 20 2015, its holding on Galp Energia’s share capital and corresponding voting rights to below the 2% threshold, through its subsidiary J.P. Morgan Securities plc.
As from that date, the total number of shares held indirectly by JPMorgan Chase & Co. amounts to 13,181,482 shares, corresponding to 1.590% of Galp Energia’s share capital and corresponding voting rights and a corresponding economic long position.
The decrease was the result of off-exchange sales of 4,500,000 shares by J.P. Morgan Securities plc.
Source: Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A.